Need and Elements of Site Planning

Page Contents

  • Site planning is the organisation of activities on land according to site characters.

  • Research and analysis makes a major contribution in site planning and later in design process.


  • "Site Planning is the art and science of arranging structure on the land and shaping the spaces between"
-lynch Kevin, Hack gary, Site Planning, MIT press, Cambridge, 1996

Why there is a need of Site Planning?

  • To efficiently utilize site and conditions (analysed in site study) for better development of the project
  • To set the relation between following factors:

Natural factors (Landscape)

Socio- economic factors (Planning)


1. Site

  • Site boundary
  • Site dimensions
  • Setbacks
  • Orientation
  • Existing Man made and Natural features on site
  • Easements
  • Adjoining/Important structures

2. Building

  • Placement of building
  • Distance between buildings and site boundary/setback

3. Parking

  • Public
  • Visitor
  • Private
  • Handicapped

4. Accessibility and Circulation

  • Vehicular (Street and site entrances)
  • Pedestrian ( Site and building entrances)
  • Services
  • Emergency
  • Drop off
  • Other circulation (Bike ways, Public stops)

5. Landscape

  • Softscape (Trees, shrubs etc)
  • Hardscape (pavements, promenade etc)
  • Furniture such as benches, light polls, sheds etc
  • Fencing, walls or gates
  • Open spaces (active passive and conservative areas)
  • Other components such as bollards, signage, litter bins etc

6. Utilities

  • Drainage
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Manholes


  • Prominent views from the site
  • Prominent views to the site

Note : Data should be supported with maps, plans, elevations and sections, isometrics or perspective.

All information is pertinent to your project