
Pic courtesy- ArunKumar
Nothing beats the solace of sipping on a warm cup of coffee by a window, while reading a book on a rainy day, or listening to the same song over and over again, or touch of cool night breeze, caressing on the face, or walking barefoot on moist grass, or warmth of a blanket on a cold winter night, or watching the dew settle on a cold glass on a hot summer afternoon. These simple joys play get embedded in our thoughts as memories and every time we encounter similar images we tend to go back to these snippets of our lives because of the memories associated with them.
At no point would it be wrong to say that our thoughts fuel the world around us. The deeper we go into our thoughts the further we move forward. Thus it becomes imperative that we spend time with our thoughts because when they see the light of day they create things, they solve problems, they pave the way for immense possibilities. Every individual in some form or the other is engaged in the creative process. People, their mannerisms, their profession, the subtle nuances of the life around finds a catalyst, which evokes or nurtures the thinking process. The thinking chair is a unicorn we all chase, but if we look closely the unicorn is not far away from us.
The beauty of the human brain is that it is constantly looking for a stimulant and any stimulant can become a catalyst for our thoughts or change the trajectory of an idea. Thus making the very idea of the thinking chair a figment of our imagination. The current edition of the magazine is a quest to chase the unicorn, by understanding how people from different walks of life who are engaged in creative pursuits stimulate their minds and how they collect their thoughts and how they provide a conducive environment for their thoughts to germinate and blossom. What are their thinking spaces ? If these are physical spaces or notional spaces ? Or are they just a memory one goes back to? And how can we also and find the keys to our thinking space.