Indigenous Modern
- Chinmay Mehta is one of India’s recognised painter and muralist and is noted internationally for his innovative contribution to preserving and celebrating the subcontinent’s rich cultural heritage.
- For more than four decades, through his work in paintings and murals, cultural practices and academics, design and architecture, he has brought contemporary relevance to indigenous forms and artisans, thereby bridging the gap between design, arts, architecture and popular culture.
- Chokhi Dhani and other ethnic leisure spaces designed by Dr Mehta are classic testimonials of the integration of indigenous symbolism, metaphors and iconography towards the creation of an immersing experience called India.
- Frankly speaking throughout my four decades of creative career of as a Painter, Muralist and Designer I could restrict myself to a single medium or style but have always strived relentlessly experimenting with new techniques and styles in search for new forms and configurations. Although I was formally trained as a visual artist, I moved from painting to multi medium relief mural installations and eventually the designing of Chokhi Dhani turned me into an architectural designer.
- As a landscape painter I always had an advantage of perceiving three dimensioning visualisation - sketch of an architectural form before finalising it's working drawings.

Sketches by the author
Source- Author
- While I was studying I took up a few freelance projects, where I collaborated with different professions. This opened up new avenues for me not just with respect to my work but also for learning new things.
- Being in a creative profession I often get confronted with the question of what stimulates my thought process ? The answer to that question is never far from me. I strongly believe that everything around us has some form of associated memory and if you listen carefully they have the ability to transport you to back to those memories. I believe it is very important that we sensitize ourselves to the subtle nuances of life as these nuances are what add to flavour to our lives. Through my work I try to capture these subtle nuances and in a lot of ways these time capsules allow me to revisit and relive them.

Chowki Dhani village, Jaipur
Source- Author
- I would really urge all reading this to appreciate the smaller joys of life and always and go with the flow because the harder you paddle the more turbulent the water becomes.