Designing Space for Designers

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Designing Space for Designers

Siddhesh Gautam & Chaitanya Tipre | Principle Designers | Studio Gendaphool, Pune
  • Chaitanya Tipre- He is a visual addict who loves to see things irrespective of the medium including cinema, animations, games, graphic novels, comics, illustrations and many more. He is a story teller who wanders, reads, play, create and live stories.
  • Siddhesh Gautam- He is Post-modernist and believes in hidden semiotics of art. He is an art practitioner and a story teller who loves to relate stories from facts and myths.
  • They have been working in public art by designing and fabricating wall murals and installations and have a sense of making loud and thought provoking statements.
  • We have been organizing exhibitions and the core team have exhibited their work in various cities including New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and London.
  • Studio Gendaphool is a product of a design-driven culture, hence it required design friendly spaces to begin the work. Many people were experienced with working in cubicles or private offices, making it difficult for teams to embrace collaborative practices and align across disciplines at their respective jobs in an experimental design setup. The studio had to begin in order to support this design-driven culture to keep its individuality and uniqueness intact. The studio borrowed the school of thoughts from Bauhaus and Ulm School of Design and feel privileged to carry forward the movement that began long back in 40s and 50s.Studio Gendaphool promotes every innovative and \revolutionary way to work. The studio is a place to engage in design thinking, foster collaboration between designers, artists, architects, engineers and innovators, and nurture vibrant and inclusive design cultures. So what makes a studio a studio and why are they so important?
Illustrations of the studio
Source - Author
  • Big open work spaces allow teams to work closely, face to face. Silent corners allow the individuals to think individually. Silent rooms allow small groups to discuss the upcoming design and art revolutions. These combination of spaces makes collaboration seamless by enabling designers and other colleagues to rapidly iterate on ideas and get feedback by simply walking to the hall and asking. Whiteboards and Pinboards are abundant so it’s easy and quick to engage in design thinking activities any time the need arises. Exhibition rooms provide inspiring, comfortable and casual places to chat, review work, and of course share secrets of art and design. Every direction has sticky notes, whiteboards, remnants of frequent design and some abstract thoughts that are yet to be developed. When one feels over worked or facing a creative block, mattresses are placed in the middle of exhibition walls for a dreamy relaxation or to read a book from the studio's book library or to play any board game or card game from the games library of the studio.
Works by the author displayed on the walls
Source - Author
  • Not only is studio space filled with versatile work spaces that allow teams and individuals to design the way they need to, they also include lots of local culture and personality. Each studio wall has its own distinct vibe that represents the designers who are working there. You won't be surprised to see the changes that happens on the wall after each project is finished. Students and independent designers resides in the residential studio to understand our design culture and experience a little of it for themselves by helping the studio in any running project they wish to play a part in.
Zine workshop with kids conducted at the author’s residential studio
Source - Author
  • The aesthetics of the studio brings back the viewer to the era of 60s and 70s, with chaotic placements of colorful prints, odd crafts from various part of the country, unthinkable thoughts expressed through illustrations and mix media artworks; in short a hippie workplace that creates unique and still professional work. Each studio has its own distinct vibe, we have ours. Designers, artists and innovators spends most of the time of the week in the studio and work their art, design and innovation magic to contribute to the design revolution which is happening in the Indian Subcontinent.
Picture and illustration of author’s work station
Source - Author
  • Our studio space are not only tailored for daily design work, they showcase the creativity, passion and spirit of the people who inhabit them.